Preparing future teachers for ICT-integration in education

The story of Jeff




- ICT profiles


- Pedagogical beliefs

- Governance 

- Design teams

- ...


*Including research




Story line

Research line

Linking theory & practice

About the author...


Jeff is an enthousiastic student teacher.




About Jeff...


He’s interested in new technologies.

He would like to use ICT in teaching and learning activities.  



But what about the other pre-service teachers?

ICT ease of use?
 Attitudes twd ICT in Education
ICT self-efficacy?
General ICT Attitudes? 
General ICT Attitudes
Attitudes twd ICT in Education
ICT self-efficacy
ICT ease of use
Person-centered Latent Variable Approach

Holistic-interactionist paradigm

Linking pre-service teachers’ ICT profile to the stepping stones needed for the development of their ICT competencies


A teacher educator introduced TPACK


Case study: TPACK in teacher education


ICT-ateliers   + (Vak)didactiek + Stage


ICT in our curriculum 

Pre-service teachers need to bridge the gap betweenTechnological , Pedagogical  & Content Knowledge

Where is TPACK in your teacher training institution?

Nice model but I’ve never seen  a concrete


“They [teacher educators] stood in front of their PowerPoint, but that was not how they wanted us to use ICT in primary schools.

They expect that children use it (ICT).”

[Fiona, TEI2/S3]

Factors related to beginning teachers' ICT readiness

Longitudinal qualitative study

Good practical examples can forge the link between thinking and doing,

thereby promoting professional development


No worry!

Jeff is already exploring tools to use during his internship.



IT('s) about education!

Quantitative study: cluster analysis

Linking pedagogical beliefs and ICT

Synthesis of qualitative data: meta-aggregation

Sorry Jeff, we have technical problems with the Internet...

Linking different(f)actors

Survey: Multilevel model


Concept paper

How to link...


there’s no


school culture

Determinants: Four in balance!

Large scale survey: multilevel model
Linking factors and actors at different aggregation levels: A multidimensional approach

He's losing all his energy.


He's falling asleep...

It was just a dream!


Jeff is an enthousiastic student teacher.


He’s open to new ways of teaching and learning.




He would like to use new technologies in teaching and learning activities.


ICT in education WHY?

Economic rationale

Social/cultural rationale

Educational rationale

(incl. Catalytic rationale)
International comparisons
  • ICT can
    • enhance adaptive learning  (e.g.
    • ICT can motivate pupils (e.g. by using pictures/videos)
    • stimulate creativity (e.g. digital storytelling)
    • help understanding complex topics (e.g. simulations)
    • support collaboration (e.g. blog of wiki)
    • enhance independent learning (e.g. webquest)
    • provide insight in the progress of pupils (bv. kahoot)
    • ...

But the teacher is the link between the potential of ICT and education


He's trained to use ICT



Linking strategies and TPACK

Qualitative                 Quantitative

Together with three students Jeff is designing new activities in a (student) teacher design team!

Student teacher design teams?

Linking theory and practice

Delphi Study

Design based research

What type of research do we need to help Jeff?

What's next?

Design based research as a form of linking science?

A genre of research in which the iterative development of solutions to practical and complex educational problems also provides the context for empirical investigation, which yields theoretical understanding that can inform the work of others (McKenney & Reeves, 2012)

Research about educational innovation: What type of research do we need?

By idlovub

Research about educational innovation: What type of research do we need?

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